Acceptable Use Policy

Rev AUP05012021

Gigapeak’s relationship with its clients, other networks, and ultimately its connectivity to the rest of the internet, require its clients to behave responsibly. Accordingly, Gigapeak cannot permit irresponsible behaviour by its clients, which could damage these relationships, the Gigapeak network or the use and enjoyment of the internet by others.In addition to the client’s own actions it is the client's responsibility to ensure that their network is configured in a secure manner. A client may not, through action or inaction, allow others to use their network for illegal or inappropriate actions. A client may not permit their network, through action or inaction, to be configured in such a way that it gives a third party the capability to use their network in an illegal or inappropriate manner. Compliance with this Acceptable Use Policy is a contractual requirement. If you fail to do so, your service may be suspended or terminated.

Please download the full document here:
Gigapeak acceptable use policy